Wilhelm Borchert advises the port management Bremenports GmbH & Co. KG as well as the Bremen Senator for Economy, Labour and Ports on questions of strategic financing of port projects. Various projects were supervised, such as the construction of a LNG-powered folding barge, the construction of a heavy goods terminal (OTB) and the renewal of railway infrastructure (including modern control and traffic control technology).
Since the beginning of 2011 grants amounting to almost 8 million Euros – mainly from the European TEN-T / CEF-T programs – have been generated and implemented. In addition, other national and European funding opportunities for current or planned projects are regularly examined. An important aspect of Wilhelm Borchert’s consulting services is the strategic design of a corresponding project.
The ports of Bremen and Bremerhaven are the core ports of the European Transport Network (TEN-T) and thus of outstanding importance for European and German transport. As one of the largest railway harbours in Europe, Bremerhaven holds a lighthouse position. In addition, the city of Bremen has set an early sustainable development strategy for their ports.