Due Diligence and M&A
Until the mid/ late 2000s, institutional investors, such as pension funds and insurance companies in particular were active in the transaction market for (maritime) transport service providers and infrastructure. With the 2008/09 financial crisis and its real economy impacts, this market almost completely disappeared. For some time now, mergers, in-and outsourcing as well as creation of spin-offs take-up again.
Due Diligence forms a reliable decision making basis
Besides quick purchase and sale of companies and/or shares, shipping companies, terminal operators and logistics service providers developed sound interest in expanding through M&A activities. Besides gaining market shares and power, horizontal and/ or vertical integration are drivers for knowledge creation and competitive advantages.
Usually, a thorough due diligence is performed as part of a corporate transaction. However, it can also be useful as part of a strategic (re-) orientation. Typical aspects of a due diligence are detailed analysis and evaluation of issues such as environment, economy, technology, market, competition, labor, finance, law, strategy and so forth.
Wilhelm Borchert provides, evaluates and acts as an investor
As consultants, we assist our clients especially by conducting commercial due diligences. In this role we cover issues ranging from market, competition and strategy through to operations, management and finance. In cooperation with experts from our international network, we also have access to other relevant due diligence areas such as environment, labour and technology.
Based on our market insight and vast contact network we support our clients in finding and selecting suitable companies, sites, partners and/ or investors. Moreover, if suitable to our strategy, we are able to take calculated financial risks, for instance by participating in suitable investments.
Our typical clientele consists of private and/or institutional investors, industrial companies, shipping companies, port operators and logistics service providers. Following our approach based on cooperation, together with our clients and/ or partners we define the best possible way of development and implementation.